A bowl of seeds are shown with four different types.

Super Healthy Seeds You Should Eat

Seeds contain all the starting materials necessary to develop into complex plants. Because of this, they are extremely nutritious. Seeds are great sources of fiber. They also contain healthy monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and many important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. When consumed as part of a healthy diet, seeds can help reduce blood sugar, cholesterol…

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A table topped with meat and eggs next to milk.


Proteins are made up of many complex cells call amino acids and are attached to each other by long chains. They are large complex molecules that play many critical roles in the body and are required for the structure function and regulation of body tissues and organs (Genetics Home reference, 2016). Twenty different types of…

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A bowl of broth, an orange and pills.

Cold, Flu, or Allergy?

Treatment depends on which you have. A health professional can help you choose the best therapy. Common ColdSymptoms last up to 2 weeksStuffy, runny nose; sore throat; coughTreated with rest, fluids, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines to ease symptoms Seasonal FluSymptoms usually last 1-2 weeksHigh fever (100-102 °F, or higher in youngsters), headache, aches and pains, weakness,…

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A white table topped with lots of fruits and vegetables.

Benefits of Fiber

9 Health Benefits of Fiber There’s no shortage of research showing how fiber may boost your health. Some of its top potential benefits include: 1. Blood sugar control: Soluble fiber may help to slow your body’s breakdown of carbohydrates and the absorption of sugar, helping with blood sugar control. 2. Heart health: An inverse association has been found between…

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A doctor holding up a sign that says prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer

Cancers are usually named after the part of the body where the abnormal cell growth begins. Prostate cancers are cancer cells from the prostate. When prostate cancer cells spread to other parts of the body, they are called metastases. The prostate is a part of the male reproductive system, which includes the penis, prostate, and…

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A bunch of different foods that are on the table

Zinc, What you Need to Know

Zinc is considered an essential nutrient, meaning that your body can’t produce or store it. For this reason, you must get a constant supply through your diet. Zinc is required for numerous processes in your body, including Gene expression Enzymatic reactions Immune function Protein synthesis DNA synthesis Wound healing Growth and development Zinc is naturally…

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